Saturday, September 18, 2010

Beech Street, Insurance

The first book of photographs by Brian Bowen Smith
The Men + Women of Marc Jacobs.

for sale BookMarc, Bleeker St. NY, and Marc by Marc Jacobs boutiques.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Funny Things About Being 18

One, translated by Isotta Cleps in English coming soon.

Ontario Fake Id Problems

BookMarc at A, 417 Bleeker St, NY

2009 Russianbare Updates

A. In the Erotica section of BookMarc, 417 Bleeker St, NY

When Does Abreva Work The Best

Challenge #11 - Borders

Hello everyone and welcome to our 11th challenge! For the next two weeks
BA has chosen a theme broad enough:
" Borders "
Per parteciapre basta usare i timrbi e fare un qualsiasi progettino vi venga in.
elements Avet tempo fino al 01 Ottobre ore 23:59.
Non vediamo l'ora vedere i vostri progetti Tues
Vi auguriamo buon divertimento.
! ~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hello and welcome to our 11 ° Challenge
This time has BA up with a theme:
" border "
You have until 01 October 23rd :...! challenge 59 times
We look forward to your works
We want you a lot of fun
Hello and welcome to our 11 °
This BA time choosed :
" Borders .
You have time until 01 October 23:59.
Have fun with us. Tra tutte le
al partecipanti Challenge ne verra estratta una con il sistema che Random riceverá in regalo questa Sizzix Sizzix Texture Fades Tim Wood "Burlap & Swirls" . Among all the participating

at the Challenge, will be someone with the random system drawn from a lot of wins this Sizzix Sizzix Texture Fades Tim Wood "Burlap & Swirls"

Among all the participating at the Challenge, someone will be drawn with the random system to win this Sizzix Texture Fades Sizzix Tim Holz "Burlap & Swirls."




Happy Stamping
BA, Thu & Lina

Julie Ashton And Tiffany

The Winner is Dorte

Hello to all! Here
appointment with the extraction of the winner of the 10th Challenge Timbroscrapmania, on time at 00:02:00 I checked out the number 14 with the system Random corrisponde che al nostro Carissimo Dorte . Complimenti Dorte carissima.
Halli Hallo @ ll!
Here we are with the winner of our 10 ° Timbroscrapmania Challenge, püntlich at 00:02:00 I have with the random system the nr. 14 extrat and the winner is our dear Dorte . Congratulations dear Dorothy.
Hi everyone!
Here we are on time with the winner of 10 ° Timbroscrapmania's challenge, at exactly 00:00:00 I extracted with the random number the 14, Which Corresponds to our dearest Dorte . Congratulations Dorothy.

Happy Stamping
BA, Thu & Lina

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Saw Movie Covers Relation To The Movie

Challenge #10 - "Tema Libero - Free Theme - freies Thema" - BA

Hello everyone and welcome to our 10th challenge! For the next two weeks
BA has chosen to give a lot of freedom to all, since so many come back from vacation. and then we have:
" Free Theme "
to participate, just use the timrbi to design and make any that comes to mind and this time you can not do exactly what you want.
You have until September 17 at 23:59.
We look forward to seeing your projects
Vi auguriamo buon divertimento.
Hello and welcome to our 10 ° Challenge!
this time has decided to admit BA not an issue:
" Free topic .
you have time to 17th September 23:59.
We look forward to your works.
We wish you much fun.
Hello and welcome to our challenge 9RD! This time
BA choosed:
" Free Theme .
You have time until 17 August 23:59.
Have fun with us. Tra tutte le
partecipanti al Challenge ne verra estratta una con il sistema che Random riceverá in questo regalo Stickles Star Dust ". Among all the participating

at the Challenge, will be someone with the random system drawn from a lot of this Stickles Star Dust ".

Among all the participating at the Challenge, someone will be drawn with the random system to win this Stickles Star Dust ".





Happy Stamping
BA, Wind & Lina