This morning I heard a transmission, inspired by a true story, criticized heavily, the use of homeopathy. Below are the thoughts that I did and I sent the presenter of the program.
"Today I listened with interest on the part of the episode homeopathy.
The news of the death of 16 year old girl, why not treated for diabetes, left me saddened and perplexed, I could not understand how a doctor as "homeopathic" could have done to suspend the insulin.
early as next GR changed a bit 'on the news during his program, the doctor tried to cure diabetes with homeopathy, but with large doses of vitamins.
On a newspaper, then, I discover that the "homeopath" is perhaps not a doctor and homeopath ... maybe not
Some considerations:
- One thing that might require serious information a bit 'more precise. It would be a good "education for use" in fact, the "* not * use" know the name of that person with so much capacity that is able to fool those who are in difficulty and so lightly put at risk the lives of those who are evil.
- tomorrow I hope to hear a denial, or at least a correction of what was said today, in this case, homeopathy was not to kill, but they were vitamins.
- Or maybe the fault is not even vitamins, but a mixture of pain, despair, ignorance, hope, good faith, fraud, ...
- I do not believe in homeopathy, I do not understand how it could work. But I care with remedies homeopathic remedies as with other "natural" as well as with drugs produced by pharmaceutical companies. Using homeopathy because it works better than other medicines. In addition to this comes at a price lower than the general medicine with regard to the timing of recovery, relapse, the consequences on the environment.
- How can I use in such delicate moments, such as diseases, remedies that do not understand? Ch is not a choice is made lightly. In particular when it comes to treating young children, still unable to express themselves, to choose between medicines and remedies have been very difficult. We relied on "medical" doctors, willing to follow closely the evolution of the disease. Sometimes we used the remedies being prepared at home even medicines.
- The transition from the use of drugs has coincided with that of remedies, in our family with a drastic reduction in the consumption of drugs, particularly antibiotics and with a drastic reduction of disease. Of course, this may be due to coincidence, the experience of a family has some statistical value.
- It was made some interesting statistical study on how much you heal the sick and those who use drugs and who uses remedies. I do not think it would be difficult to research of this kind, and it would be interesting.
- Unfortunately I think that homeopathy can die, you die as a result of medication, hospital, doctors, lack care, ... But
- instructions that take their cue from a fact, not much depth or distorted to say that homeopathy can kill, I do not seem a good service for public health.
Sincerely. "
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