- pleasantries and presentation (5 ')
guys take a piece of paper, write the name last class date, I will give an assessment (2 ')
Answer the following question: "List of new things you learned this summer (because of the oddity of the application requirements and dates are a bit' explanations) ( 5 ')
reducing movement to a minimum (turn the chairs, some counter move) systematically in groups of 4 or 5 (2')
Draw a line on the sheet to separate what you have written and add, below, the things you have learned your band mates, no repeats (10 ')
Within the group choose a number from 1 to 4, write it on paper. Then all the numbers "1" are grouped together, and so the numbers "2", the numbers "3 ",... (3 ')
on the sheet that has been said in the other groups, no repeats (10')
Return to your place (3 ')
Write your own comment in a box on work (3 ')
One by one, read the remark (10')
Now I collect the sheets (1 ')
Some observations:
Times , written in parentheses, are for guidance only. An hour is a little 'strettina. The activity was better in classes where I could use a little 'the next hour.
"I will give an assessment of" the boys agree to take more seriously the task.
A working group "should" begin and end with an individual work.
It might have been, with a little 'less confusing to ask the question to the class and respond to each student one at a time, but in doing so we would have had an active person and all other liabilities, everyone would talk for a few minutes and would be difficult maintain attention for an entire hour. Working groups active people are 4 or 5 at the same time and the time for action is growing proportionately.
Form groups of 4 is generally a good choice, but the best efficiency is obtained when the number of students who formed the group approaches the square root of the pupils in the class. In a class of 25 students: 5 groups of 5.
The evaluation concerns: completeness, order, the spatial organization of notes.
"Beautiful, beautiful ... but what's the point? "
reflect on something that might not consider it entirely: the things learn continuously.
are told and take their contacts.
In classes that are new or have undergone major changes, start of relationships between pupils.
They practice with a working method that they then use as applied to other content, or they could use in other contexts (eg assembly of class).
discover that they are different than they were a few months ago.
They discover that the experience of others is different than yours, but no less interesting.
Inspired by new discoveries.
reflect on the meaning of what they are doing.
learn to work in small groups.
They realize that the notes taken in the first group, are necessary for the proper functioning of the second group.
provide some information that allows early detection of possible critical situations.
fun while communicating with each other.
I enjoy while I read them at home.
You start the year well, with the pleasant sensation of being in the mid-job.
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