Hello everyone and welcome to our 13th challenge!
For the next two weeks BA chose as its theme: "Cupcake "
to participate, just use the timrbi to design and make any that comes to mind.
You have until November 12 at 23:59.
We look forward to seeing your projects
We wish buon divertimento.
Hello and welcome to our 13 ° Challenge!
This time has BA up with a theme: "Cupcake "
you have to 12 November 23:59 time.
We look forward to your works.
We wish you much fun.
Hello and welcome to our challenge 13 degrees! This time
BA choosed: "Cupcake "
You have time until 12 Novemberr 23:59.
Have fun with us. Tra tutte le
al partecipanti Challenge ne verra estratta una con il sistema Random regalo che in questa riceverá Scatola di fiori Petaloo "Pink Blue Dahlia." Among all the participating
at the Challenge, will be someone with the random system drawn to win these flowers from Petaloo "Pink Blue Dahlia."
Among all the participating at the Challenge, someone will be drawn with the random system to win this Petaloo Flowers Dahlia Pink Blue ".
to participate, just use the timrbi to design and make any that comes to mind.
You have until November 12 at 23:59.
We look forward to seeing your projects
We wish buon divertimento.
Hello and welcome to our 13 ° Challenge!
This time has BA up with a theme: "Cupcake "
you have to 12 November 23:59 time.
We look forward to your works.
We wish you much fun.
Hello and welcome to our challenge 13 degrees! This time
BA choosed: "Cupcake "
You have time until 12 Novemberr 23:59.
Have fun with us. Tra tutte le
al partecipanti Challenge ne verra estratta una con il sistema Random regalo che in questa riceverá Scatola di fiori Petaloo "Pink Blue Dahlia." Among all the participating
at the Challenge, will be someone with the random system drawn to win these flowers from Petaloo "Pink Blue Dahlia."
Among all the participating at the Challenge, someone will be drawn with the random system to win this Petaloo Flowers Dahlia Pink Blue ".
Happy Stamping
BA, Thu & Lina
BA, Thu & Lina
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