Saturday, December 18, 2010

Hidden Camera Brazilian Wax

Challenge Timbroscrapmania #17 - I'm, I was ....

Hello everyone and welcome to our 17th challenge! This time I
BA I chose as its theme: " I am, I was .... . A theme a little bit special spero che vi appssionerá viva elements. ments
parteciapre basta usare per fare un qualsiasi e i timrbi progettino vi venga in.
Avet tempo fino al 14 Gennaio ore 23:59. Non vediamo l'ora
Tues vedere i vostri progetti
Vi auguriamo buon divertimento.


Hello and welcome to our 17 ° Challenge!
This time I BA up with a theme: " I am, I was .... . A difficult subject, I hope you enjoy it.
You have until 14 January 23:59 time.
We look forward to your works.
We wish much fun.


Hello and welcome to our 17 ° Challenge!
This time I choosed BA " I'm, I was ... "
You have time until 15 January 23:59.
Have fun with us.


Tra tutte le partecipanti al Challenge ne verra estratta una con il sistema che Random riceverá in regalo un Paperpad Basic Grey "force." Among all the participating

at the Challenge, will be someone with the random system drawn from a lot of these Paperpad Baisc of Grey win "force."

Among all the participating at the Challenge, someone will be drawn with the random system to win this Paperpad by BAIC Grey "Kraft."


We wish all of you and your families a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2011
Wir wünschen Euch
Allen Frohe Weihnachten und ein Gutes Neues Jahr 2011

We Wish You a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2011


I have been for many years a Sincronette and I chose Little Mermaid Tilda by Magnolia because it is perfect for this sport and I fell in love straight away when I saw it. Ich war eine
Synchronschwimmerin for many years and have chosen the Little Mermaid Tilda by Magnolia, because it is perfect for this sport and I have fallen in love with this stamp immediately.
I was a swimmer for many years synchrom and I chose the Little Mermaid Tilda by Magnolia because it's perfect for this sport, I fall in love with this stamp.

Lina ha fatto un piccolo
photo album on la foto di quando era bambina e una foto attuale, un pensiero per un carino Regalino di Natale.
She made a mini album with a photo when she was a little girl and a recent photograph, a cute idea for a small Christmas gift.
She made a mini album, a nice little present for Christmas.

He made a bookmark with a significant phrase, I am, I was, like free love!
Sie ein Lesezeichen gemacht hat mit einem Satz wichtigeen. She made a
Bookmark with an important sentence.

Happy Stamping
BA, Thu & Lina


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