Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Swollen Tongue And Sore Gums

barriers to communication

"We fear that professors make comparisons between the students and if we get a bad grade does not recognize us for those who do not study."

"It scares them that they can make fun or be prejudiced against us."

are two of the sentences in which a group of students expressed the fears of first try at the beginning of the new experience of high school.

I did remind the 12 barriers to communication presented by Thomas Gordon in the beautiful "effective teachers."

Each time you should take good ideas and meditate.

Offer solutions:
  • order, command, require.
  • warn, threaten.
  • to preach, scold.
  • Advising, giving solutions or suggestions.
  • scold, admonish, make logical arguments.

stress the inadequacy, errors:

  • judge, criticize, disapprove, blame.
  • Define stereotyping, labeling.
  • interpret, analyze, diagnose.
  • appreciate, agree, give positive ratings.
  • Reassuring, sympathize, console, support.

Analyze situations:

  • To challenge, investigate, question, subject to interrogation.

Avoid problems:

  • Evasion, distract, to sarcastic, to the spirit, changing the subject.

Every time I reread them, I think, sadly, to count how many mistakes to make in my teaching!

Fortunately, the students learn and grow, despite their teachers!


Saturday, October 27, 2007

Can You Get Drunk Off Mouth Wash?

Computer Laboratory

Long period of silence after it is started the school year, absorbing time and resources ...

Although slower pace, I continued to work and now I can give the good news:

The cupboards are finished!

After a gestation period of 15 months I put the word "fine" with additions, corrections, layout, ... Here are the handouts

computer lab hot print! (See "Laboratory Mat-Info" pdf or odf).

are aimed at pupils in the first two years of high school or PNI Technology. Handouts are not "computer", but notes of "mathematics" in the computer lab.

can also be used as an introduction to computers, but for each topic, I tried to give the minimum information content sufficient to use the computer for something meaningful.

The text allows for different approaches to the laboratory: we start from the spreadsheet or application of number, as is usually done with Pascal, or geometric applications.

The tools used are:
  1. Spreadsheet: OpenOffice.org
  2. Programming Language: Python Graphics Libraries
  3. : pygraph

The several chapters are very short, designed to be carried out in an hour. Practice shows that I am suffering from "magical thinking" as being a bit 'digested the various topics requiring much more time!

The text is divided into sections:
  1. Introduction to Python
  2. Numbers
  3. Interactive Geometry Analytic Geometry Geometry
  4. Turtle
  5. Spreadsheet

accomplishing various topics throughout the year, the computer tools such as variables, functions, parameters etc.. are repeated from different points of view and can therefore be better understood.

What I wrote is just what I in my turn, I learned from the work of others. "Freely I have received, freely give seem right. So the text is licensed under the Creative Commons:

Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike

This means that anyone is free to:

of reproduce, distribute, communicate to the public, publicly display, perform , and perform the work

of this change

the following conditions:

Attribution . Must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or the person who gave you the license and operates in such a way not to suggest that they endorse you or how you use the work.

Noncommercial . Can not use this work for commercial purposes.

ShareAlike . If you alter, transform, or uses it to create another one, may distribute the resulting work only under a license identical to this one.

Despite having committed all my skills in taking care of the content and form by far the text contains many errors, from trivial typing those conceptual or methodological: I am grateful to anyone who signs them.

I hope that someone other than my students (who are obliged;), uses these materials interesting and perhaps contribute by reporting bugs or adding new content.

I enjoy teaching using computer tools, even my students seem very involved. I hope that this material can be interesting, fun and grow even more.

fun with Python!

PS The material is in the "documents" in this sidebar, in pdf or open document format (ODF) by following the link Mat-Lab Info.


Saturday, September 29, 2007

Welcoming A Doctor To Practice

Gianna Nannini Arena

Evening arena with Gianna Nannini Pia and her.

All the water: heavy rain beginning at the end!

Bello, the show.

phrase to ponder:

"Prison is not able to close within"


Friday, September 21, 2007

Florida Gators Birthday Cakes Nashville, Tn

When the area of \u200b\u200bthe brain used for the common sense is not included, began to send complaints to the rest of the brain and not let him work.

This happens sometimes in meetings at school.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Fox Mustang Subwoofer

Common sense is not conceptual learning of mathematics

browse for information about dyscalculia, I came across the site Camillo Bortolato ...
Write down this address if you know a teacher who is facing difficulties to teach some children to numbers and calculations, or if you know a child in trouble with the first approaches to mathematics.

deepening wonder if the ideas proposed by Camillo Bortolani is not possible to recover the damage caused by our teaching methods, even when many years have passed and the boys are now in high school with ideas still very confused about numbers and operations ...
Maybe the "line of 20" may be helpful not only to some teens, but also some adult who thinks they are denied for the numbers!

Retained as an incentive the "Ten secrets of children who are successful" from the site and that there are a fuller and motivation:

  1. First secret: ignore the discipline
  2. Second secret: not abstract but see
  3. Third Secret: Do not ever count
  4. Fourth secret: just think about the balls
  5. fifth secret: be ordered fully
  6. sixth secret: do not ever think to operations
  7. seventh secret: ignore the writing of numbers
  8. Eighth Secret: Treat the calculation written as dead reckoning
  9. Nono secret: being able to close my eyes
  10. Tenth secret gratitude
have read this site for me was like a breath of fresh air. It's nice every now and leave the stench of death rules that we try to teach our students and to address the issues alive and sane!

Camillo Thanks!


Thursday, September 6, 2007

Best Skates For Flat Feet 2010

Working Machines

meetings beginning of the year made me think back two "circles" that I had studied some years ago ...
It is a vicious circle and a virtuous circle in which each of us must learn when something falls.
The damage caused by the vicious circles are often visible in some of our students.

. The two circles are drawn from a text that should be, in my opinion, studied by anyone who is about to teach mathematics, teachers from first grade to university teachers.
The text deals with the difficulties some individuals experience in relation to numbers and opens a view, often unknown to us as teachers of mathematics, the world of numbers.

The text is:
Brian Butterworth, "mathematical intelligence", Milan, 1999


Monday, September 3, 2007

How To Know If You Have Demodex Folliculorum


Following the visit all'intrigante university laboratory of Modena, I procured the materials and I made my first car mathematics: a pantograph which produces rotation.

Let's see if I can make the proposals of the University of Modena in a workshop for pupils at my school ...

  • Tools: drill, saw, sandpaper.
  • Materials: plywood, boards, glue, stain, bolts and nuts.
  • Time: 2 hours plus drying time for glue and paint.
  • Objectives: In addition to the obvious targets related to discipline, strengthening understanding and demonstrations relating to the rotation, there is also the goal, nearly extinct by the school (in notably higher), of the manual.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Nintendo Ds And Toddler

Mathematics, My Dear terror

So it is possible that the difficulty of mathematics is not the fact that it does not affect humans, but in the fact that it touches very closely.
doing mathematics, was a reminder in your body, in his own words, in his own imagination, in their emotions. It was stressed because you have personal, deep, sometimes poorly known or unknown to themselves.

(by Anne Siety "Mathematics, my terror", Milan, 2001)

Friday, August 31, 2007

Ocean Crossing Motorboats

school yard

again this year at the beginning of the school exploded the news of rising costs. The whole thing starts to become ritual: if they speak after the August holiday jams return and the Pima and financial maneuver of 'hot autumn .
Most textbooks cost concerns: huge publishing business revolve around school. The current model of production of textbooks has certainly the merit to finance the production of books, highly meritorious work, and to finance a large number of workers and thus provide for the livelihood of many families ...
But there is a doubt: the case for this method is not out of date?
new technology can produce self- materials of comparable quality, at least in some cases, from textbooks.
Why this does not happen? I can think of two reasons:
  • The big economic interests that push for the maintenance of the current situation;
  • The motivation of teachers less and less able to be active and productive.
Self-production of learning materials would undoubtedly greatly benefit the educational activities:
  • Flexibility of materials, tools
  • Adaptability to various situations;
  • Upgradability continuous
  • Save Money.
But to use materials self-published, we need a change of mindset: from passive users to producers. And a change of organization: the model can not work a single author, works are collaborative where everyone plays a part which can be:
  • Write discussion of a topic ;
  • Write verification exercises or questionnaires;
  • Report errors, failures, improvements,
  • Use the material in its business.
It is clear that such an organization is only possible within a model similar to that which develops free software and then with the use of licenses to use, modification, copying and distribution of original works or modified.

For my part I am working on a text for the computer lab with:
  • OpenOffice.org,
  • The Python programming language,
  • Some Python libraries for the geometry of the turtle, Cartesian and interactive.
If every teacher put in a cauldron common and well-organized their work, perhaps the publishers would be pushed to do something more interesting to change titles and versions of the same test every three years.

About my book is better than I forgive proofread instead of continuing to write to myself.


Thursday, August 30, 2007

Cost Of Refridgerator Thermostat

At the insistence of my children, start a blog. I do not raise particular objectives, we will evolve as the "thing" ...

For now a big hug to all those who have arrived so far.
